International Library Week

týždeň slovenských knižnícWith reference to the International Library Week during the terms from 21st to 25th October 2013 the students of classes I.AP I.BP I.DP I.AM with Slovak teachers participated in the excursion in the District Library in Žilina.

The library agent showed the students through audiovisual technology the essential knowledge of the library functioning system – members’ registration, way of borrowing books, and duration of borrowing books. She also presented the overview of publications in the library from the latest ones to the contemporary ones. She gave a brief development of the library – from the foundation until the presence. She commemorated also the remarkable anniversary for the Slovak literature, culture and education – 1150 years from the arrival of Constantine and Methodius in Great Moravia. In the conclusion of the lecture the agent acquainted the students with the separate library departments.

In the conclusion some students took advantage of free registration of the library member.

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